Sunday, April 22, 2012

What's in a name?

When we meet other boaters, they almost always ask us why we named the boat Short Walk (see "About Us" for the details).  A boat name can say a lot about the owners.   Hmmmmm...I think we just confessed to being sarcastic, irreverent and ready to laugh at ourselves.   At least that's what we think Short Walk says.   The "walk" definitely gets shorter every year for both of us.  However, sometimes when we say "Short Walk" on the radio, people don't understand what we are saying.   So far, we have been hailed as Short Love (let's hope not!), Short Luck and Long Walk (off a short pier maybe?). 
During our travels the last two years, we have seen a couple thousand boats and the names have sometimes amused, sometimes puzzled and sometimes well, we just don't know what to think.   We tend to categorize them as clever, cute, too cute or what the heck were they thinking?    The list below is just a sample and we won't reveal our thoughts on the individual names as we wouldn't want to hurt any feelings.   In general, we did not include boats named for stars, birds, fish, animals, women's names or combination of names (although some are very clever).  If we do know the explanation, we tried to include it.   And of course, if you find your boat name in here, it is DEFINITELY in the "clever" category.   And if you think we forgot your boat name, consider yourself lucky and enjoy the anonymity.   We haven't grouped them by category so you can decide for yourself:

Scat                                                          Jupiter Smiles                               Different Drummer
Snafu                                                       Cry Baby                                       Rip your float
Peaceful Warrior                                     Wind Warrior                                Oz
Lost Marbles                                           Just Ducky                                     This Old House
Breaking Wind                                        Hairball                                          It's All Good
The Answer My Friend                           Not Love                                        Love Club
Love Boat                                                Afternoon Delight                         Touch Me Not
Steadfast                                                  Hold Fast                                       Alchemy
Dues Paid Again                                     Subway Tammy                             Brown Beaver
Hoser Canuck                                          Bobby Land                                   Dharma (dinghy is Gregg?)
Pattycakes                                                Cupcake                                        Hun Buns III
Why Worry                                              Slow Gin                                       One White Tree
Smiles                                                      Sunspot Baby                                Not So Interim
Cutting Class (2 retired teachers)            Contagious                                    Interim
Karaya (Native American word)             Wicked Witch                               Caesar's Ghost
Octopussy                                                Tautaug (an extinct fish)               Knot Home         
1/4 Impulse power (small Whaler)          Salty Paws                                     Cara Mia
Adanaco (read backwards-O Canada)      N-Aimless                                     Bella Sera
More Mischief                                         Sea Return                                     Aquarelle
Zivelli                                                      Plan B                                            Plan Sea
O Sea D                                                   Fiscal Stray
Local Knowledge (when boats call for local knowledge in a strange port-does this boat answer?)
Hurrah (the owner has a very upperclass British accent-a riot!)                                           
Dopey (We really want to hear them call for help...."Mayday, Mayday, Mayday, this is Dopey" Ok....and where are the rest of the dwarfs?????)
Dicky Licky (I want to hear him call the Coast Guard and ask for help!)
Retired Sailor (a beautiful power yacht)
Sam the Skull (said in a great Scottish accent)
One Eyed Parrots (their last name is Parrot and they both have only one eye)
And our all time favorite:  Big Run (Short Walk-get it?)

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